The Most Popular Girls in School is a stop-motion animated series created by Mark Cope and Carlo Moss and produced by Lily Vonnegut that centers around the highly aggressive and vulgar misadventures of the most popular girls at a fictional high school in Overland Park, Kansas. The easiest way to conceptualize the show is “South Park meets Mean Girls.” The Overland Park High Cheer Squad, led by head cheerleader Mackenzie Zales and co-head vice captain Brittnay Matthews, is constantly at war with any number of rival factions trying to usurp their popularity. These groups include a family of Overland Park socialites known as the Van Burens, a rival cheer squad from the neighboring town of Atchison, and a group of homicidal French models. Besides a never-ending struggle for power, the girls also go through all the trials and tribulations anyone in high school goes through: relationships, sex, prom, parties, etc.
Since first launching as its own channel in May of 2012, MPGIS has garnered more than 125 million views and 900,000 subscribers on Youtube. The show has been featured on Good Morning America, Variety, Buzzfeed, Huffington Post, New York Magazine, The Atlantic, College Humor, Know Your Meme, Logo’s NewNowNext, Oh No They Didn’t, as well as thousands of blogs and Tumblr sites. The creators launched successful crowdfunding campaigns to fund Seasons 2-4 of the series, and all campaigns not only met their goals, but exceeded them with time to spare. Their crowdfunding efforts were so successful, in fact, that the creators of the show have appeared as panelists for various crowdfunding seminars put on by Indiegogo. Additionally, the show's 4th season was recorded and shot entirely at The Youtube Space in Los Angeles, making it the first stop-motion series to be filmed at the facility.
Season 5, set in Paris, was co-produced with Universal Cable, and was the first season of the series to be shot at our new production studio in Culver City. At present, a television version of the series is being developed with Universal and Charlize Theron's Denver & Delilah Productions.
Check out the trailer for the recently completed 5th season below. For more MPGIS, visit our Youtube channel, where you can watch all 82 episodes for FREE: